Reset. Rebalance. Restore.

Hi, I’m Brittany! And I’m so happy you’re here.

I’m a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach (FMCHC) specializing in lifestyle modification for overall health and wellness. I work a lot with high-achieving, performance-driven women struggling with hormonal health, creating balance, and learning to adopt and maintain better health habits.

I know that you are stressed, exhausted, and overwhelmed. You feel like you have tried everything, but nothing works, your symptoms persist, and your weight won’t budge. I know, because I’ve been there too! 

It’s important to recognize that an approach to health is not one-size fits all, but must be tailored to the individual. Wellness coaching allows for a deeper understanding of your struggles, and the ability to map out a plan that works for you. As a coach and educator, I am passionate about providing the tools and guidance to help you determine your own course.

Nutrition – Exercise – Self Care – Sleep – Relationships
Mental Health – Stress Management – Hormones – Gut Health

health coach smiling


What is Health Coaching

Health Coaches educate, motivate, and celebrate clients on their health journeys! Using a client-centered approach, coaches support clients in making healthy and sustainable lifestyle changes. Functional Medicine Certified Health Coaches are trained in functional medicine and nutrition principles, positive psychology, mind-body medicine, and health coaching practices. 

three green leafed plants

What is Functional Medicine

Unlike the traditional medicine model, functional medicine seeks to address the underlying, root causes of a patient’s disease or illness, rather than just treat the symptoms. It is holistic and individualistic in its approach as practitioners treat each patient as a whole, taking into consideration the individual’s genes, environment, history, and lifestyle factors. 

Let's Connect!

If you would like to book a Discovery Call or have general questions or concerns, please complete the form below and I will be in touch soon!