Coaching Services

As a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach, I am educated and trained to work with all kinds of health concerns and wellness goals; however, almost all of my clients are professional women struggling with stress, weight gain, and other hormone-related issues. We live in a culture that tells women we can do it all but doesn’t provide the necessary support. Overextended and exhausted, weight-frustrated women are experiencing hormonal imbalances and poor gut health due to the need to achieve, maintain ideal body images, and meet high societal expectations. And for those who choose to become mothers, we are often caught in the juxtaposition of achieving success in the workplace and the need to be present and productive at home, leaving us feeling even more guilty, insufficient, and inadequate. 

Drawing from my professional training and personal experiences, I will help you identify and address any mental, physical, and emotional barriers in order to create effective, long-term behavior changes so you can get back to feeling like yourself again. My coaching style is holistic and integrative so we will focus on many various lifestyle factors to truly find and create balance. All coaching sessions are 1:1 in order to foster the coach-client relationship and make progress within a non-judgmental, safe space. Please review my current offerings below and let me know if you have any questions! I look forward to guiding you in your wellness journey.

The Kickstart

$ 249
One Time Payment
  • (3) 60-minute coaching sessions
  • Unlimited messaging support between sessions
  • Client-focused approach to creating goals
  • Schedule sessions at any time to fit your needs

The Reboot

$ 479
One Time Payment*
  • (6) 60-minute coaching sessions
  • Unlimited messaging support between sessions
  • Weekly review of food and activity logs
  • Functional Medicine resources and referrals
  • Access to therapeutic grade supplements

Elimination Diet

$ 199
One Time Payment
  • (4) 30-minute coaching sessions
  • Unlimited messaging support between sessions
  • Food journal and symptom tracker review
  • All resources provided to help you navigate the plan

“When it is obvious that the goals cannot be reached, don’t adjust the goals, adjust the action steps.” — Confucius

Coaching is right for you if you:


✓Are motivated to commit to your wellness journey and reverse symptoms of adrenal fatigue and hormonal dysfunction

✓Are overwhelmed with all of the health and wellness information out there and need someone to help you navigate a wellness plan designed specifically for you

✓Need guidance and accountability in making necessary lifestyle changes

✓Are open-minded and ready to explore the physical, mental, and emotional barriers affecting your health

✓Are on a path of self-exploration and personal development

✓Are ready to take back control of your hormonal weight gain, fatigue, and poor sleep

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
woman waving her hands during golden hour

Benefits you may expect include:


✓Redefined sense of self, purpose, and work-life balance.

✓Reduced fatigue and feelings of stress, anxiety. and overwhelm.

✓Revived sleep and feelings of being well-rested.

✓Repaired gut health and eliminated or reduced GI symptoms.

✓Reclaimed vitality, focus, mental clarity, and natural energy.

✓Renewed confidence and improved body composition.

If you have been struggling with hormone imbalances, gut issues, weight gain, and general feelings of discouragement — I’ve got you! I can help you create effective, long-term behavior changes so you can get back to feeling like yourself and loving the life you’ve created!